Offers for senior citizens
Experience Vaduz ("Vaduz erleben")
Three times in spring and three times in autumn, the Seniors' Commission organizes tours as part of "Vaduz erleben" for the senior citizens of Vaduz. The tours are free of charge and no registration is usually required.
Dates 2025:
- March 5, 2 pm to 4 pm, Städtle 43, Vaduz: Visit to the National Museum
- May 28, 2 pm to 4 pm, Schaanerstrasse 60, Vaduz: Visit to the Mühleholz outdoor pool
- June 25, 2 pm to 4 pm, Malbun: Visit to Alp Pradamee (registration: Eleonora Nägele, +423 238 29 55 or )
Seniors' café
The Seniors' Commission regularly organizes the Seniors' Café on Wednesdays from 2 pm to 4.30 pm in the Vadozner Huus (Städtle 14). The seniors' café invites you to interesting conversations and encounters in a cozy atmosphere. No registration is required.
Dates 2025:
- January 29
- February 12 and 26
- March 12 and 26
- April 9 and 23
- May 7 and 21
- June 4 and 18
- July 2
Further events
The senior citizens' representative regularly organizes courses, lectures and other events for senior citizens in Vaduz.
Dates 2025:
- January 20, 2 pm to 4 pm, Vadozner Huus: afternoon of knitting and crocheting
- February 24, 2 pm to 4 pm, Vadozner Huus: afternoon of knitting and crocheting
- March 10, 2 pm to 4 pm, Vadozner Huus: storytelling café (registration: Eleonora Nägele, +423 238 29 55 or )
Reading mentors wanted
As part of the "Reading makes you strong" project, we are looking for volunteers who would like to use their time and knowledge to help children learn to read. The offer takes place once a week for one hour during school lessons.
- Time: 1 hour per week, day and time are agreed directly with the teacher
- Location: Äule or Ebenholz elementary school, Vaduz
- Wanted: Senior citizens and other interested parties
- Registration and questions: Eleonora Nägele, +423 238 29 55 or
"Homex": Doing gymnastics at home!
In cooperation with the University of Zurich and the Liechtenstein Seniors' Association, the Office of Public Health has launched a very special exercise program for older people: "Homex": Doing gymnastics at home!